To groom Motivated, Environment friendly. Self-esteemed, Creative and Oriented Engineers.
To Develop Industry Oriented Manpower to accept the challenges of Globalization by
1. To ensure all-round development of students by providing co-curricular, extra-curricular and entrepreneurship skills.
2. To imbibe research culture in students and faculty by providing state-of-the-art research facilities and Industry Institute interaction.
3. To inculcate moral integrity in students and make them socially responsible and good human being.
4. To develop leadership qualities and the ability to work as a team among students by encouraging participation in various activities.
The Modern Education Society, Pune was established on 15th February, 1932, to meet the demand for education by the residents of the eastern part of the city of Poona. The efforts of its founder, Prin. V. K. Joag, and of the Wadia brothers, Sir Cusrow Wadia and Sir Ness Wadia,
The Modern Education Society came into being as a regular registered Educational Society formally at a meeting of its founder members at the Cowasjee Dinshaw Library Hall.
True to Its credo 'For the Spread of Light', the Society pioneered efforts to open the portals of higher education to the residents of eastern parts of Pune and pursued them tirelessly through the last eighty resplendent years. The Society today has seven institutions in the bustling cities of Pune and Mumbai. Over the years, they have become the first choice to acquire an all-round quality education for many promising young men and women all over the country and abroad.
It was at this meeting that the First Senate of the Modern Education Society was formed and the Senate decided on the recommendations of it’s Finance Council and Academic Council to establish from June 1932, a college affiliated to a University in the Poona Suburban Area. Thus, came into being, the ‘Nowrosjee Wadia College’ named after the Late Mr. Nowrosjee Wadia, father of Sir Cusrow Wadia and Sir Ness Wadia. Today the seven Institutions of the Modern Education Society in Pune and Mumbai are well known all over India and abroad as institutions of excellence in education, sports and in extra-curricular activities and are most sought after as educational Institutions of excellence by students from all over India and several countries abroad.
True to its credo 'For the Spread of Light', the Society pioneered efforts to open the portals of higher education to the residents of eastern parts of Pune and pursued them tirelessly through the last eighty resplendent years. The Society today has seven institutions in the bustling cities of Pune and Mumbai. Over the years, they have become the first choice to acquire an all-round quality education for many promising young men and women all over the country and abroad.It is a unique education society since the Board of Life members, the supreme decision making body of the Society and its Institutions, is made up entirely of teachers of these institutions, the management is intensely aware of the strengths, weaknesses and requirements of the Institution. As a result, the policies of the management are made keeping in mind the interest of the teachers, the non-teaching staff and the students.
With the motto 'For the Spread of Light', Modern Education Society has been pioneering the education sector since its establishment in 1932. The MES Wadia college of engineering in particular was founded in 1999 with the aim of providing the best education to aspiring engineers in the nation."
The Modern Education Society's Wadia College of Engineering conducts the following courses: Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering & Master’s Degree in Engineering."
Students should maintain peace and decorum in the hostel. Students involved in ragging in hostel are liable for severe punishment. Round the clock Security is provided in the hostel buildings. The necessary housekeeping services are provided to maintain the cleanliness. The college authorities will not be responsible for the loss of any personal valuables. Students will not be allowed to stay away from the hostel beyond 10.00 pm. For detailed rules and regulations refer hostel notice board. Hostel fees including service and other charges are to be paid in advance.
Facilities Well-equipped facilities in our college campus • College provides Uniform, T.A. and D.A. to the student for their participation in various tournaments at inter- collegiate level. • College provides track suit to the students who represents national level sports competition. • We provide healthy diet (peanuts, jaggery) to student after practice session.
Student admitted a fresh in the College and student residing in Hostel have to undergo Compulsory Medical Checkup as per the University directive. The schedule of Medical Check-up is notified after the commencement of the First Term. These services of the Medical Officer are available in the college campus.
Bank of Baroda's dedicated branch and ATM facilities are available at the campus.
Post office Facility is available inside college campus.
As per SPPU Updates to see Click Here
Parking space is provided for two wheelers and students should park their vehicles at designated places only. Parking is at owner's risk. Vehicles parked elsewhere are likely to be confiscated and owner likely to be fined. Parking for four wheeler of the student is not permitted in the College Campus and hence students are not all owed to bring four wheelers in the college campus. The smooth functioning of the College depends upon observance of discipline by the students.
Fire safety has been ensured through fire audit of the institute and with provision of necessary facilities.
Students can approach the Counselor / Members of the following Committees for Guidance and Redressal of the grievances. 1. Guidance and Counseling Cell 2. Placement Cell 3. Anti Ragging Squad and Committee 4. Students Council
The facility of ST / Railway Concession for the students to visit their Native Place during summer / Winter Vacation is available as per rules of the concerned authorities. Local Bus / Railway Concession (Daily/Monthly/Quarterly) are also available for the bonafide students of the college. Residential address given on the admission form will be taken as valid for this concession. It cannot be changed during the course of the year.
The college library office issues Identity Cards to all the bonafide students of the college. Soon after the admission they should submit their applications for Identity Cards with passport size photograph pasted on it. Delay on the part of the students in obtaining Identity Card is liable to be fined. They should bear in mind that Identity Card is an important document and they should take utmost care in preserving it in good condition. Students should wear the Identity Card around the neck while they are in the College Campus, failing which the Entry in the College Campus / Laboratory / Lecture Hall / Office /Work shop maybe denied. In case of Loss of Identity Card, a duplicate Identity Card will be issued to the Students on paymentofRs.100/-.
Students should keep their mobile phones on silent mode while on the college campus. Playing Music, Games, and Songs, etc. on mobile phones is strictly prohibited. If the above instructions are flouted, mobile phones will be confiscated. Use of mobile phone in the Class-Room, Laboratory, Workshop, Library, Computer Center and College office is prohibited.
All the circulars and notices are published on the Notice Boards in all the departments, library, office or on the college website No individual correspondence regarding Admission, Scholarship, Freeship, Examination, Term Work, Practical, Holidays, Defaulters and General Instructions will be made with students, Parents / Guardians and it is the sole responsibility of the students to see the notice regularly and visit the College Website for latest news.
The Earn and Learn Scheme of Board of Students Welfare, Savitribai Phule Pune University is being implemented successfully fort needy student since the academic year 2009-10. Students benefit from this Scheme by working in the Laboratories and Library and Office. Students are paid Rs.50/-per hour so as to meet their monthly expenses. This Scheme also inculcates a sense of responsibility and dignity. Expert Lectures for the first year students are arranged under the Special Guidance Scheme of Board of Students Welfare, Savitribai Phule Pune University.
The following services are available to the students free of cost Guidelines for Personality development: Effective study skills, Enhancing Physical Fitness, Time Management, and Enhancing Self Confidence, for personal problems, Academic difficulties, Stress, Tension, Anxiety, Worry, Concentration and Memory problems, Family and Social Relation. Aptitude Test is conducted on request at nominal charges. Workshops and talks on various aspects of personality development are regularly organized. The College can help the students better when Rules of Discipline are observed properly. Violation of these rules deprives the students of the advantage of different facilities provided by the College. Following are some of the important rules of discipline. Parent / Guardians are requested to direct their wards to observe the following Rule of Discipline 1. Students must attend lectures, practical, tutorials, etc. as per Time-Table. They should not remain absent for lectures, practical, tutorials, examinations etc. without written permission of the Principal. Students whose attendance and / or progress in various tests and examinations are not satisfactory and who do not perform the required number of tutorials and / or practical are likely to lose their terms. Students who do not submit compulsory project work in subject are likely to lose their term. Prolonged absence even on grounds of ill health may also lead to losing of terms. Defaulters will be detained from appearing for Savitribai Phule Pune University examinations. 2. Defaulters list will be displayed on the college noticeboard. 3. The Identity Card is meant for identifying bonafid students and isuse for permitting the students to enter college campus and to participate in various activities and programs of the College. 4. The conduct of the students in the classes and in the premises of the College shall be such as will cause no disturbance to teachers, fellow students or other classes. 5 All the students should be well dressed and follow uniform dress code as per the guideline. 6. No Society or Association shall be formed in the college and no person shall be on the College campus without the specific permission of the Principal. The Principal has right to refuse such permission. 7. No student is allowed to display any Notice / Circular / Poster / Banner in the College premises without the prior permission of the Principal. Strict action will be taken against the defaulters. 8. No student is allowed to be engaged in any political activity in the College premises. 9. Outsiders are not permitted in the College premises without the prior permission of the Principal. College students are not allowed to bring their relatives / friends to the College premises without the prior permission of the Principal. Strict action will be taken against the concerned outsider as well as the concerned student who is instrumental in bringing outsider to the College premises. 10. All meetings, cultural programs, debates, elocutions, etc. organized on the College premises must be held in presence of teaching staff members and with the prior permission of the Principal. The subjects of debates / elocution must have the prior approval of the Principal. 11. Students must take proper care of the college property. Strict action will be taken against the student damaging College property and will be required to compensate the damage. 12. Students involved in malpractices at the College/University Examinations will be expelled from the college. 13. Smoking, Chewing of Gutkha / Tobacco / Pan Masala etc. is strictly prohibited in the College premise as well as in the campus. 14. If, for any reason, the continuance of student in the College is found detrimental to the best interest of the College, the Principal may ask the studenttoleavetheCollegewithoutassigninganyreasonsandthedecision will be final and binding on the student. 15. Playing music on Transistors, Tape-recorders, Car-stereos, Mobile Telephones or any other similar gadgets with or without earphones is strictly prohibited in the College premises. Defaulters will be punished and their instrument will confiscate. 16. Use of Mobile Telephones is strictly prohibited in the academic area of the College which includes Lecture Halls, Laboratories, Library, Open areas in the buildings and in front of the building and parking area. Defaulters will be penalized and their instrument will be confiscated. 17. Students must not loiter on the College premises while the classes are running. 18. Students shall do nothing inside or outside the College that will interfere with the discipline of the College or tarnish the image of the College. 19. Students are not allowed to communicate any information about College matters to the Press. 20. MattersnotcoveredabovewillbedecidedatthediscretionofthePrincipal. 21. All students and staff will stand still at their places when the national Anthem is played.
The Modern Education Society, Pune has been carrying out its legacy since 15th February 1932. With the efforts of its founders, Prin. V. K. Joag, and the Wadia brothers, Sir Cusrow Wadia and Sir Ness Wadia, MES has become one of the most cherished educational institutions in India.
The Modern Education Society came into being as a regular registered Educational Society formally at a meeting of its founder members at the Cowasjee Dinshaw Library Hall.
True to Its credo 'For the Spread of Light', the Society pioneered efforts to open the portals of higher education to the residents of eastern parts of Pune and pursued them tirelessly through the last eighty resplendent years. The Society today has seven institutions in the bustling cities of Pune and Mumbai. Over the years, they have become the first choice to acquire an all-around quality education for many promising young men and women all over the country and abroad
The First Senate of the Modern Education Society ventured to establish a college affiliated with a University in the Poona Suburban Area in 1932. Based on the recommendations of its Finance Council and Academic Council, the ‘Nowrosjee Wadia College’ named after the Late Mr Nowrosjee Wadia, father of Sir Cusrow Wadia and Sir Ness Wadia came into being. Today the seven Institutions of the Modern Education Society in Pune and Mumbai are well-known all-over India and abroad as institutions of excellence in education, sports and extracurricular activities and are most sought after as educational Institutions of excellence by students from all over the globe.
Modern Education Society is a unique education society since the Board of Life members, the supreme decision-making body of the Society and its institutions, is made up entirely of teachers of these institutions. Moreover, the management is intensely aware of the strengths, weaknesses and requirements of the institutions. As a result, the policies of the management are dedicated in the interest of the teachers, the non-teaching staff and the students.
Dr. Mrs. M. P. Dale
Dear Students,
Welcome to Modern Education Society's Wadia College of Engineering, Pune-01. Ours is one of the leading institutions imparting quality technical education in Mechanical Engineering, E & TC Engineering , Computer Engineering and Automation & Robotics Engineering four year degree courses and Two years PG Courses in Computer Engineering, Signal Processing and Mechanical Design Engineering affiliated to University of Pune. It has been possible only because of outstanding reputation and dedication of Modern Education Society for all these years under able guidance of visionary and international educator Sir V. K. Joag and others.
Our vision is 'To produce world class engineers for converting global challenges into the opportunities through the value embedded quality Technical education'. All the teaching faculty in the institute, strive hard to impart training for the students to make them competent, motivated engineers and scientists ultimately developing the institute as a centre of academic excellence. They serve the purpose of inculcating a solid foundation of knowledge and enhancing confidence, creativity and innovation in the students. Here, we constantly work hard to upgrade the existing labs in all the three departments. One such lab worth to mention here is 'BAKER-MESCOE Metrology Lab' in Mechanical Engineering Department. This is state of the art lab where the students are exposed to modern and sophisticated instruments and test facilities.
Nusli Wadia is an Indian billionaire businessman and entrepreneur and the chairman of the Wadia Group, an Indian conglomerate involved in the FMCG, textiles and real estate industries
It gives me great pleasure to communicate with you the young, fresh minds, who are preparing to embark on a career in the world of commerce and Industry, having completed your education at Ness Wadia College of Commerce, Pune.
I hope that during your time at the Institute you have not only had the opportunity to imbibe and be equipped to face the world with confidence in the discipline that you choose but that the college has provided you with the value system with which you will conduct yourselves wherever opportunity takes you.
I am sure that over the years ahead you will make this Institute proud of your accomplishments and achievements. The institute would greatly appreciate that you not only continue your connections with it but when you progress in life you bring back to Institute your learning’s, in order to share them with the students and faculty of the time.
I am sure that you will make the contribution which all citizens need to, in whatever their field to, the society and the nation of which this Institute can be justly proud of. With all good wishes for a long, happy and successful life!
Trustee, MES
Trustee, MES
Trustee, MES
Trustee, MES
Trustee, MES
Trustee, MES
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. M. P. Dale | Chair Person |
2 | Dr. S. B. Sharma | Nodal Officer |
3 | Dr. K. S. Tiwari | Member |
4 | Mr. B. K. Bodkhe | Member |
5 | Mr. Santosh P. Kale (Parent) | Member |
6 | Mr. R. N. Aghav (Parent) | Member |
7 | Mr. Kaushal Borkar (Student) | Member |
8 | Mr. Amruta Ladkat (Student) | Member |
9 | Mr. Neeraj Chajed(Student) | Member |
10 | Ms. Shraddha Pashikar (Student) | Member |
11 | Mr. Prayag Raikar (Student) | Member |
Sr. No. | Name of the Member | Designation |
1 | Prin. M. P. Dale | Chairman |
2 | Dr. S. S. Kulkarni | Member |
3 | Dr. R. S. Kadam | Member |
4 | Mr. Harshal Muknak (Non-teaching) | Member |
5 | Mr. K. D. Hake (Non-teaching) | Member |
6 | Mr. Christy Daniel (Student) | Member |
7 | Mr. Gauri Bhange (Student) | Member |
8 | Dr. S. R. Khonde | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name of the Member | Designation |
1 | Prin. Dr. M. P. Dale | Chairman |
2 | External Sr. Professor, SPPU | Member |
3 | External DTE | Member |
4 | Dr. P. B. Chopade | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name of the Member | Designation |
1 | Dr. R. A. Khan | Chairman |
2 | Dr. V. S. Galgali | Member |
3 | Mr. S. S. Pansare | Member |
4 | Mrs. Vaishali Hajare (Non- Teaching) | Member |
5 | Mr. Sajjan Deshmukh (Non- Teaching) | Member |
6 | Ms. Sakshi Deokar (Student) | Member |
7 | Mr. Shantanu Bhosale (Student) | Member |
8 | Ms. Amruta Ladkar (Student) | Member |
Sr.No | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. R. M. Wahul | Chairman |
2 | Mr. S. N. Dharwadkar | Member |
3 | Mr. Santosh B. Shinde | Member |
4 | Mr. R. R. Shivade | Member |
5 | Dr. V. N. Raibhole | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Prof. Sachin Sanap | President of the Trust or his Nominee |
2 | Dr. Ashok S. Chandak | Nominated by the Trust form: Industrialist/Technologist/Educationist |
3 | Mr. Bhushan Kadam | Nominated by the Trust form: Industrialist/Technologist/Educationist |
4 | Mr. D. S. Navalgundkar | Nominated by the Trust form: Industrialist/Technologist/Educationist |
5 | Dr. Y. A Kolekar | Nominated by the Trust form: Industrialist/Technologist/Educationist |
6 | Dr.Y. P. Nerkar | University or Technical Board Nominee |
7 | - | Nominee of AICTE |
8 | Dr. D. V. Jadhav | Nominee by State Government |
9 | - | Industrialist/Technologist/Educationist: Nominated by State Government |
10 | Dr.M. P. Dale | Principal by Post |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. A. S. Chandak | Management Representative |
2 | Prof. S. N. Sanap | Management Representative |
3 | Dr.S. S. Sonavane | COO, ME Society, Pune |
4 | Dr. R. Ganesan | CFO, ME Society, Pune |
5 | Dr. V. N. Chougule | HOD Mechanical, Member |
6 | Dr, N. F. Shaikh | HOD Computer, Member |
7 | Dr. D. S. Adkar | HOD FE, Member |
8 | Dr. P. P. Mane | IQAC Co-ordinator |
9 | Mr. S. S. Ingole | Registrar |
10 | Dr. M. P. Dale | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. A. S. Chandak | President of the Trust or His Nominee |
2 | Prof. S. N. Sanap | Secretary of the Trust or His Nominee |
3 | Dr. S. S. Pardeshi | Nominated by Trust from : Industry/ Research/Education/Social Service |
4 | Shri. Vishal Deshpande | Nominated by Trust from : Industry/ Research/Education/Social Service |
5 | Mr. Ojas Chordiya | Nominated by Trust from : Industry/ Research/Education/Social Service |
6 | Dr. Milind Bhoi | Nominated by Trust from : Industry/ Research/Education/Social Service |
7 | Dr. N. F. Shaikh | HOD Nominated by Principal |
8 | Dr. S. H. Gawande | Teacher Elected |
9 | Mr. S. P. Gadewar | Teacher Elected |
10 | Dr. S. R. Khonde | Teacher Elected |
11 | Mr. S. R. Raut | Non-Teaching Elected |
12 | Dr. Ms. P. P. Mane | Coordinator IQAC |
13 | Shraddha S. Pashilkar, SE | President, Student Council |
14 | Sunil N, Karnavat | Secratary, Student Council |
15 | Dr. M. P. Dale | Principal, Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | I/C Prin.Dr.M.P.Dale | Chairperson : Head of the Institution |
2 | Dr.Ashok S. Chandak Trustee, ME Society, Pune | Management Representative |
3 | Prof. S. N. Sanap, Trustee, ME Society, Pune | Management Representative |
4 | Dr. P. P. Mane | IQAC Co-ordinator |
5 | Dr. D. S. Adkar Dr. V. N. Chougule Dr. Mrs.N.F.Shaikh Dr. A.C.Mitra Dr. S. K. Wagh Dr.A.P.Kale Dr. V.S.Galgali Dr. P. N. Kota Mr.S.S.Ingole, Registrar. | Teachers : (Min 3 & Max.8) |
6 | Mr. S. S. Ingole, Registrar Dr. A. S. Sonawane,Librarian Mr. T. H. Gadekar, Assistant to TPO | Administrative Staff: |
7 | Ms. Kale Aishwarya V. Mr. Kamble Aniket Ms. Rathod Priiya Mukesh | Students |
8 | Mr. Sachin Khot, CTO, Jash Data Services Pvt.Ltd. Mr. Vallabh Jagtap, Senior Consultant, EY India Consulting Statergy Office, Mumbai Mr. Ajinkya Satam, KES’s RIT Polytechnic, Pune | Alumni |
9 | Mr. Milind G. Ajgar,Classic Die Tools, Pune Mr. Niranjan Kolhe, CTO, Mash Makes, India. Mr. Amol Patil, Director, Engineering at Stack Identity, Pune Mrs. Anagha Kalay, Edhaa Technologies, Pune | Industrialist Employers |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Prin. Dr. M. P. Dale | Chairman |
2 | Dr. D. S. Adkar | Member |
3 | Dr. N. F. Shaikh | Member |
4 | Dr. P. P. Mane | Member |
5 | Dr. V. N. Chougule | Member |
6 | Dr. P. M. Bagul | Member |
7 | Dr. G. S. Pole | Member |
8 | Mr. V. S. Mane | Member |
9 | Mrs. Y. M. Ajgar | Member |
10 | Mr. R. B. Chormale | Member |
11 | Mr. T. H. Gadekar | Member |
12 | Dr. A. C. Mitra | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. M. P.Dale | Chairman |
2 | Dr. S. K. Tiwari | Member |
3 | Dr. S. S. Kulkarni | Member |
4 | Dr. S. R. Khonde | Member |
5 | Dr. K. A. Mahajan | Member |
6 | Dr. P. B. Chopade | Member |
7 | Dr. V. N. Raibhole | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Prin. Dr. M. P. Dale | Chairman |
2 | Dr. V. S. Galgali | Member |
3 | Mrs. A. S. Kulkarni | Member |
4 | Dr. S. P. Khedkar | Member |
5 | Mr. Suhas S. Jadhav | Member |
6 | Dr. P. B. Chopade | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. M. P. Dale | Chairman |
2 | Dr. P. P. Mane | Member |
3 | Dr. S. P. Khedkar | Member |
4 | Dr. R. S. Kadam | Member |
5 | Dr. S. H. Gawande | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. M. P. Dale | Chairman |
2 | Mr. S. S. Ingole | Member |
3 | Dr. R. M.Wahul | Member |
4 | Dr. R. N. Yerrawar | Member |
5 | Ms.P. S. Tondewad | Member |
6 | Mrs. S. M. Borkar | Member |
7 | Dr. A. S. Sonawane | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. M. P. Dale | Principal |
2 | Dr. V. N. Chougule | Member |
3 | Dr. N. F. Shaikh | Member |
4 | Dr. D. S. Adkar | Member |
5 | Dr. P. P. Mane | Member |
6 | Ms. B. M. Narute | Member |
7 | Mrs. S. P. Khedkar | Member |
8 | Dr. S. S. Kulkarni | Member |
9 | Mr. A. A. Chougule | Member |
10 | Dr. A. S. Sonawane | Member |
11 | Mr. P. V. Raut | Member |
12 | Mr. R. K. Raut | Member |
13 | Mr. S. S. Ingole | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. M. P. Dale | Chairman |
2 | Dr. V. N. Chougule | Member |
3 | Dr. N. F. Shaikh | Member |
4 | Dr. D. S. Adkar | Member |
5 | Dr. P. P. Mane | Member |
6 | Dr. P. N. Kota | Member |
7 | Dr. S. S. Kulkarni | Member |
8 | Mr. S. D. Wankhede | Member |
9 | Mr. S. B. Shinde | Member |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. M. P. Dale | Chairman |
2 | Dr. V. N. Chougule | Member |
3 | Dr. N. F. Shaikh | Member |
4 | Dr. D. S. Adkar | Member |
5 | Dr. P. P. Mane | Member |
6 | Dr. S. K. Wagh | Member |
7 | Dr.P.M. Bagul | Member |
8 | Mr. Suhas S. Jadhav | Member |
9 | Mrs. G. V. Bomble | Member |
10 | Dr. A. P. kale | Member |
11 | Mrs. S. S. Raskar | Member |
12 | Mr. S. B. Shinde | Member |
13 | Mr. S. S. Pansare | Member |
14 | Dr. A. R. Patil | Member |
15 | Mr. H. B. Sapnar | Member |
16 | Mr. K. A. Mahajan | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. M. P. Dale | Chairman |
2 | Dr. A. C. Mitra | Admission Officer |
3 | Dr. S. H. Gawande | Member |
4 | Dr. K. S. Tiwari | Member |
5 | Mr. Sushant S. Jadhav | Member |
6 | Mr. S. S. Ingole | Member |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. M. P. Dale | Chairman |
2 | Dr. V. N. Chougule | Member |
3 | Dr. P. P. Mane | Member |
4 | Dr. N. F. Shaikh | Member |
5 | Dr. D. S. Adkar | Member |
6 | Mr. Z. K. Shaikh | Member |
7 | Mr. S. R. Raut | Member |
8 | Mr. S. S. Ingole | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Dr. K. S. Tiwari | Member |
2 | Mr .Suhas S. Jadhav | Member |
3 | Mr. S. S. Pansare | Member |
4 | Mr. Mahesh S. Shinde | Member |
5 | Mrs. S. M. Narsale | Member |
6 | Mr. Zubair Shaikh | Member Secretary |
Sr. No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Mr.Sanjay S. Ingole | Member |
2 | Mr. S. R. Kandharkar | Member |
3 | Mr. G. S. Pole | Member |
4 | Mr. S. S. Pansare | Member |
5 | Mrs. S. M. Narsale | Member |
6 | Mr. C. J. Mijar | Member |
7 | Mr. Z. K. Shaikh | Member Secretary |