
Advancements in Communication Computing and Electronics Technology [ACCET-2023]



9th National Conference on Advancements in Communication Computing and Electronics Technology [ACCET-2022] (28 & 29th April-2023)"

ACCET is the premier forum for presentation of new advances and research results in the field of Communication Computing and Electronics Technology. The conference intends to bring together researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from a variety of disciplines such as Communication, Computing and Electronics Technology."

About the Department

The Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering is established in 1999 and emerged as a leadingsource for providing up-to-date knowledge and technological developmentsinElectronicsand Telecommunication Engineering. The department has technically rich and industry experienced faculty providing sound foundation of knowledge inElectronics and related areas. The Department has 25dedicated faculty members including seven doctorate professors and ten perusing their PhD degree. State of the art computational and experimental facilities enable the department to undertake basic and applied research and provide support to R&D organizations. Department offers sponsorship for BE in-house projects. Various programs and activities like EBaja, MBaja, Roboclub, ETSA, Enthusiastic clubetc. are conducted for uplifting students continuously throughout the year. The department organizes several Faculty Development Programsand workshops for technical upgradation of faculties. The graduating students are well placed in leading academic institutes, research organizations and industries"

The department has started M.E.(Signal Processing ) coursefrom 2013. To make students ready for industry requirements the department have started offering3 Honors Programfrom AY 2020-21 as follows Data Science and Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence &Machine Learning."

Chief Editor

Dr. M. P. Dale

Chief Editor

I am delighted to welcome you to the launch of The National Conference on Advancements in Communication Computing and Electronics Technology [ACCET] by MESCOE Research Online Publishing Media. I wish to extend my gratitude to the Senior Associate Editors and the members of the Editorial Board, as they are the backbone of this scientific endeavor. We could not envisage starting this national conference without the support and professionalism of researchers and developers interested in scientific and engineering discipline and wishing to make this national conference a success.

I would like to emphasize the compelling reasons for launching a new open-access national conference website in this ever-expanding area of research, as well as our aspirations and vision for the future. I believe that it is important to have a national conference, which gives free access to its contents and promotes high-quality research and intellectual output of scientists who have limited access to mainstream conferences. We aim to bridge the gap so that authors get a wider audience for their high-quality scientific achievements. I believe we will be publishing a significant number of high-quality original research article and scientific reviews from authors around the world. I look forward to a successful first year as Editor-in-Chief and welcome any comments or suggestions you may have that would improve the national conference.

Chief Patrons

Dr. Ashok Chandak
(Management Trustee, ME Society, Pune.)

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Prof. S. N. Sanap

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Dr. (Ms). M. P. DalePrincipal, MES College of Engg., Pune

Advisory Board Members List

Prof. Dr. Gunasekhar Reddy,DIG of Police (Retd), President HQ, New Delhi.
Prof. Basawraj Gadgay(Vice President, Zonal Mentor (South) HQ, New Delhi)
Dr. D. S. Bormane(Vice President, HQ New Delhi) (Co-Chairman (BoA), IETE, Delhi) (Chairman,BOS(E&TC), SPPU, Pune) (Principal, AISSMS COE, Pune)
Dr. V. V. Shete (Chairman, IETEPuneCentre)
Dr. R. D. Kharadkar(Immdt, Past Chairman, IETE PuneCentre)Prof (Wg Cdr)
P. Prabhakar, (Veteran)(Immdt, Past President HQ, New Delhi)
Prof. (Dr.) R. R. Deshmukh, Zonal Mentor (West)
Dr. Y. H. Dandawate (Member BOS E&TC SPPU, Pune)
Dr. S. N. Talbar(Principal,Alhard College of Engineering and Management,Pune)
Dr. Sanjay Dudal(Professor and Head, Amravati Univ.)
Dr. Shailaja Patil(Professor RSCOE, Pune)Dr. R. M. Bodade(Professor, MCTE, Mhow, Indore)
Dr. R. M. Bodade(Professor, MCTE, Mhow, Indore)
Dr. N. G. Bawane(Principal, JIT, Nagpur)

ACCET - 2023

The National Conference on Advancements in Communication, Computing and Electronics Technology provides a platform that can facilitate researchers, academicians and students to discuss recent advances and trendsin the fields of theoretical, experimental, applied Communication, Computing and Electronics Technology. The conference will also spark innovative ideas, foster research relations or partnerships between the various institutions and build strong research and developmentcommunity.

Paper Submission deadline(Soft copy):10/04/2023
Intimation of Review and Acceptance: 14/04/2023
Final submission of full-lengthpaper (Soft copy):20/04/2023
Dates of Conference:28/04/2023& 29/04/2023
Participants should fill the online registration formbefore10/04/2023
Candidates will be confirmed only after the receipt of registration form
Confirmation will be communicated on 17/04/2023via email and phone.

Paper Format :

All manuscripts should be strictly in MS-word / LaTeX IEEE format and limited to 6 pages.
Download paper Template here

Paper Publication :

All papers will be published in ACCET 2023 conference proceedings.

    REGISTRATION FEES : No registration charges for participants.
    At the end of the workshop all participants have to fill the feedback form


    Best Paper Award:

    For each track best paper will be selected out of presented papers

    Mode of conference execution

    Online (MS Teams Platform)

      Topics of interest for paper submission includes but not limited to:
      ✓ Embedded systems and VLS✓ 5G networks and Mobile Communication
      ✓ Software Defined Network (SDN) and Internet of Things✓ Soft Computing and Cloud Computing
      ✓ Wireless Communication and Antennas✓ Computer Vision
      ✓ Wireless Sensor Network✓ Nano Technology and Nano Materials
      ✓ Biomedical signal processing and signal processing✓ Renewable Energy Sources
      ✓ Human Bond Communicatio✓ Mathematical Modeling and Optimization Techniques
      ✓ Image Processing and Pattern Recognition✓ Augmented Reality
      ✓ Robotics, Mechatronics, PLC's & Automation✓ Remote sensing image processing
      ✓ AI, Machine Learning and Deep Learning✓ Semiconductor Material
      ✓Blockchain Technology✓Computer Network Security and IoT Security
      ✓Electric Vehicles

      Dr. M. M. Dhanvijay
      ( Assistant Professor, E&TC Engg.)

      Contact Details

      Dr.M. M. Dhanvijay & Ms. V. H. Kamble"

      accet@mescoepune.org | 9881694722, 8806664807"