
Course Introduction

The Department ofME in Signal Processing Engineering plays a vital role in an engineering college catering to the teaching of subjects such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Civil and Electrical in the minds of learners so that they can go forward in the rest of the years of their study with most recent knowledge applicable skills and the energizing confidence. Most of our faculty members hold post-graduate degrees in their respective fields and three faculty members hold PhD. Five faculty members are pursuing their PhD. Our faculty members are also involved in Research and Development activities and the department has had research grants from Board for College and University Development (BCUD). Faculty members have published papers in National and International journals. Our staff members attend seminars and workshops to keep abreast of latest developments in the field. They also attend syllabus implementation and syllabus revision workshops and actively participate in University activities.
Our classes are made interactive with the use of power point presentations, videos and demos, wherever possible. Students are encouraged to give seminars on latest developments on some of the topics being taught. Our department has well designed and fully equipped laboratories for Civil engineering, Engineering mechanics, Electrical engineering, Physics and Chemistry.
The teaching module comprises lectures, tutorials and practical’s. The methodology adopted in the classroom teaching is based on application of innovative strategies, comprehensive lectures, regular assignments and interaction between teachers and students.


To groom Motivated, Environmental friendly, Self-esteemed, Creative and Oriented Mechanical Engineers.


To Develop Industry Oriented Manpower to accept the challenges of Globalization by,

  1. Promoting Value Education through motivated trained faculty
  2. Maintaining Conducive Environment for education at affordable cost
  3. Promoting Industry Institute Interaction, and involving alumni.

Faculty List

Sr. No.NameDesignationProfile Link


2021-22 Semster I First Year

Laboratory Names
First Year Engg. Laboratories



First Year Engineering - 2019 Course

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First Year Engineering - 2015 Course

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LIst of Toppers


Sr. No.YearName of StudentPercentage (%)
