
Recent Developements in Mechanical Engineering [RDME-2025]





About the College

Modern Education Society is established in 1932 with the motto “For the Spread of Light”. M.E.S. College of Engineering established in 1999 and situated in the heart of Pune city, offers engineering degree courses in Mechanical, E&TC and Computer Engineering and is affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, accredited by NBA and NAAC with “A” Grade. The college is developing fast with the vision “To Develop Motivated, Environment friendly, Self esteemed, Creative and Oriented Engineers” and the mission “To develop industry oriented manpower to accept the challenges of globalization by promoting value Education through motivated trained faculty by maintaining conducive environment for affordable cost by promoting industry institute interaction by involving Alumni”. "


About the Department

The Department of Mechanical Engineering, established in 1999, is dedicated to shaping future engineers with a strong foundation in technical and leadership skills. Accredited by NBA until 30.06.2025, the department offers advanced facilities, in CAD/CAM Automation, 3D Printing, and Robotics labs. Students develop environmental consciousness and teamwork through SAE India, ASME Club and MESA. The department's vision is “To groom Motivated, Environmental friendly, Self-esteemed, Creative and Oriented Mechanical Engineers” and the mission are “Imparting mechanical engineering knowledge through trained faculty in conducive environment. Creating awareness about the needs of mechanical industries through alumni and industry-institute interactions. Encouraging them to think innovatively and introduce them to various research activities. Supporting them to groom in all aspects like communication and interpersonal skills.”"


Chief Patrons

Dr. Ashok Chandak
(Management Trustee, ME Society, Pune.)

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Prof. S. N. Sanap

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Dr. Santosh Sonawane
COO, ME Society, Pune.

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Dr. R. Ganesan
CFO, ME Society, Pune.

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Dr. (Ms). M. P. DaleI/C Principal, MES College of Engg., Pune


Dr. V. N. Chougule(Head, Department. of Mechanical Engg.)

Steering Committee

Dr. V. N. Raibhole
Dr. S. H. Gawande
Dr. A. C. Mitra
Mrs. V. J. Sonawane

Organizing Secretaries

Dr. B. D. Nandre9422369859
Dr. A. R. Patil9326273960

Organizing Committee

Mr. S. P. Gadewar
Mr. S. D. Wankhede
Mr. S. S. Jadhav
Dr. K. A. Mahajan
Dr. R. N. Yerrawar
Mr. H. S. Salave
Mr. S. S. Jadhav
Mr. B. R. Pujari
Mr. S. R. Kandharkar
Mr. V. R. Varude
Mr. V. S. Mane
Mr. A. A. Chaugule
Mr. A. A. Patil
Mrs. P. R. Magdum
Mr. D. R. Salunkhe

Advisory Board Members List

Dr. B. B. AhujaFormer Director, COE, Pune
Dr. S. S. PardeshiBoS Chairman, SPPU, Pune
Dr. A. V. WaghmareBoS Member, SPPU, Pune
Dr. P. A. PatilBoS Member, SPPU, Pune
Dr. P. J. AwasareFormer, BoS Chairman, SPPU, Pune
Dr. V. J. KakhandkiPrincipal,Trinity COE,.Pune
Dr. G. R. DesalePrin. Scientist, NCL, Pune
Dr. N. S. MoreScientific Officer, NPCIL, Mumbai
Dr. N. K. SaneWalchand College of Engg., Sangli
Dr. B. E. Narkhede(NITIE, Mumbai) Walchand College of Engg., Sangli
Dr. S. A. KoreIIT ,Goa
Dr. S. C. BoseNIT, Warangal, Karnataka
Dr A. A. ThakareVNIT ,Nagpur
Dr. Sudhakar UmaleSardar Patel College of Engineering, Mumbai
Dr. C. R. SonawaneSIT, Symbiosis international University, Pune

Call for Paper

10th RDME 2021 is a series of National Conferences organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering of M.E.S. College of engineering, Pune with objective to provide the platform for Students, Engineers, Re-searchers and Scientists to share the knowledge and ideas in the field of Mechanical Engineering. The conference will bring together researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from variety of disciplines such as Design, Heat Power, Production, & Automation Technology. "


Scope of Conference

Recent development in RAC/ Cryogenics
Numerical Methods/CFD/FEA
Sustainable and Green Energy
Latest development in IC Engine/Electric Vehicles
Fracture Mechanics/Tribology in design
Acoustic & Vibration
Mechanism analysis & synthesis
Industrial Automation and Robotics
Advances in Manufacturing technology/ 3D printing
Flexible Manufacturing Technology & System

15 & 16th September 2022


Important Dates

  1. Deadline of Abstract Submission: June 15, 2022
  2. Intimation of Acceptance of abstract: June 30, 2022
  3. Submission of full length paper with registration fees: July 15, 2022
  4. Communication of reviewer comments: July 30, 2022
  5. Submission of CRC Paper: August 15, 2022

Best Paper Award

For each track best paper will be selected from the presented papers.

Paper Format

All manuscripts should be strictly in MS-word/latex IEEE format.

Paper Publication

All abstracts will be published in RDME 2022 conference proceedings. Selected quality papers will be published in Scopus index Journal/proceedings at additional cost.

Registration Fees

Rs. 500/-
(Selected quality papers will in Scopus index Journal/Proceedings at additional cost.)

Mode of Conference

Online Platform (Microsoft Teams )

Organizing Secretaries

Dr. B. D. Nandre (9422369859)
Dr. A. R. Patil (9326273960)

Organizing Committee